
Tutoring and Academic Support

Get in the Game

At Peak we believe the "student" half of the student athlete is most important. The vast majority of collegiate athletes will be professionals in something other than their chosen sport. Peak Performance is here to set the student athlete up for long-term life success off the field.

The Peak Academics Program is broken into two components: (1) Tutoring and Advisement and (2) Test Preparation / Seminars.

Tutoring and Advisement:

  • Parent Guidance on academic achievement - A Peak coach can act as a secondary guidance counselor for both the parent and student to meet appropriate A-G requirements

  • Time / Resource Management - A Peak coach will teach the student the techniques and tools that will be utilized in college to track academic performance, class progress, etc.

  • Studying with Purpose - The student will learn cutting edge study habits and approaches that enable focused and enhanced academic performance

  • Subject-Specific Tutoring – Based on student needs we will help improve challenge areas and improve eligibility

  • College Career Path Exploration – We work with the student to understand and develop lifelong academic goals that aren’t connected to the field but are connected to the students individual passions and interests / preparation for life after your athletic career ends

Why Peak?

  • We build skills and confidence in the student that will be applied in college. When the student arrives to college they are ready to apply the principles and techniques needed for sustained success.

  • With cutbacks in education, most counselors don't have the time to support each student. We give the student the attention they need to achieve their goals.

  • Supporting parents is just as important as supporting students. At Peak we equip families with the information they need to ensure their child is progressing academically.

  • Our tutoring programs are customized and specific. There's no long contract or fee structure to support. Simple, per hour costs for only the time that is needed helps families save time and money.